Friday, February 1, 2013

I'm Back!

It's been over a month since I last wrote, but don't worry I'm back for good this time (Hopefully).

I originally started this blog for my creative writing class, but before I had always wanted to get in the habit of blog. It is amazing how people can talk about doing something for hours on end yet don't do it.

My favorite movies are Disney movies. I'm a sucker for them, but not the newer movies on Disney Chanel. I'm talking about the classic Disney like The Little Mermaid and The Lion King. Those were the movies I shared my childhood with. Walt Disney said, "The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." Going back to what I was talking about earlier, why do people talk about doing something yet don't follow through. We need to be people who honor our commitments. So next time you decide to do something, do it. You'll have more fun doing it than talking about it.


Monday, January 14, 2013

Proud to Be Me

We live in a world of people trying to be something they're not.
People with hidden obsessions and fake identities.
Don't get me wrong, sometimes I become like this,
But why hide who you are?
I for one am proud to be me.
I'm one of those dorks who's good at math.
You know the one who aces all math test.
I'm the girl who no one seems to notice.
The one who notices those around her
And is too smart for her own good.

I'm the girl who never breaks the rules
And is never late for class.
But it really doesn't matter
When I'm just being me.
I'm the girl who is sheltered from the world
Yet has lived outside the bubble.
I'm the girl who gets along with all the teachers.
I'm the one who enjoys talking to others.
I'm the girl who is positively optimistic.
And I'm proud to be me.

I'm Courtnie Mustain.
I'm seventeen years old,
And I'm proud to be me.