Monday, September 24, 2012

Just Putting it Out There

Everyone is afraid. The best way to overcome fear is to face it.

I'm afraid I won't get into college because of a silly ACT score. I'm afraid of letting people down. Of failure.

I'm afraid of what others think of me. I'm afraid of being afraid of what others think of me. I'm afraid of saying the wrong thing.

I used to be afraid of dogs, but I somehow got over it. I'm afraid of being above grave sites like Pearl Harbor or an old graveyard. I'm afraid of the unknown.  I'm afraid of dark allies. Of finding myself alone.

I'm not afraid of being afraid. I'm not afraid of saying what I feel. I know my fears may seem silly or irrational, but they are my fears. I'm not afraid to face my fears. I'm not afraid to change them. My fears are what makes me me.


  1. this actually touched me lizzy.... i like the first line the most because it says so much.

  2. hmmm i to am afraid of not getting into colledge because of a stuped score.(the people who made up the ACT are tourists)

  3. I stole the first two sentences. And I liked the whole thing. I liked the colors and your honesty. We were told that many fears are irrational, but you're right, they are part of who we are.
